Chick Schedule

Please call to reserve your chicks! (503) 668-9323


Ameraucanas (Easter Egger) are good layers and good-natured as well. The Ameraucana breed is one of only three breeds that lay blue eggs. This is a good choice for those who want something simple and easy to manage.

DATE: 02/06/24    QUANTITY: 25
DATE: 03/20/24    QUANTITY: 50
DATE: 04/03/24    QUANTITY: 25
DATE: 04/24/24    QUANTITY: 25
DATE: 05/29/24    QUANTITY: 25
DATE: 06/11/24    QUANTITY: 25


The Rhode Island Red can be used for anything. They’re prized for their 220 eggs a year production, but are hearty meat birds and popular in shows. There’s nothing this chicken can’t do.

DATE: 02/06/24    QUANTITY: 25
DATE: 03/06/24    QUANTITY: 25
DATE: 04/03/24    QUANTITY: 25
DATE: 04/24/24    QUANTITY: 25
DATE: 05/15/24    QUANTITY: 25
DATE: 06/11/24    QUANTITY: 25


Barred Rock aka Plymouth Rock may just be the most popular breed in the US due to their excellent egg laying and hearty frames that make for a good meal. They’re also easy to tame and non-aggressive.

DATE: 02/06/24    QUANTITY: 25
DATE: 03/20/24    QUANTITY: 25
DATE: 04/10/24    QUANTITY: 25
DATE: 05/29/24    QUANTITY: 25

Black Jersey Giant is a true giant of the chicken world. Although origianlly created as a dual-purpose chicken, the Jersey Giant is a good-natured chicken and the hens are decent layers of large brown eggs.

DATE: 02/06/24    QUANTITY: 25
DATE: 02/28/24    QUANTITY: 25
DATE: 05/15/24    QUANTITY: 25

Production Red is a cross of a Rhode Island Red chicken over a New Hampshire Red chicken. This cross produces a very vigorous, healthy egg producing hen.

DATE: 02/28/24    QUANTITY: 25
DATE: 04/17/24    QUANTITY: 25

Black Copper Maran  chickens are a large chicken that is cold hearty and have full and fluffy plumage. They are a fair egg layer of medium to large size light brown eggs.

DATE: 02/21/24    QUANTITY: 25
DATE: 06/11/24    QUANTITY: 25

Blue Copper Maran

DATE: 03/20/24    QUANTITY: 25
DATE: 04/10/24    QUANTITY: 25

Blue Plymouth Tint

Olive Egger

DATE: 02/13/24    QUANTITY: 25
DATE: 02/28/24    QUANTITY: 25
DATE: 03/27/24    QUANTITY: 25
DATE: 05/08/24    QUANTITY: 25
DATE: 06/04/24    QUANTITY: 25

Cream Legbar


DATE: 02/28/24    QUANTITY: 25
DATE: 05/15/24    QUANTITY: 25

Blue Laced Barneyelder

DATE: 04/10/24   QUANTITY: 25

Blue Jersey Giants

DATE: 03/20/24    QUANTITY: 25
DATE: 04/17/24    QUANTITY: 25

Assorted Crested & Polish

DATE: 02/13/24    QUANTITY: 25

Buff Orpingtons

Buff Orpingtons can do it all, whether it be laying 200 eggs a year, offering a lot of meat when matured, or being easy to handle and show. These are just a good chicken for all occasion.

DATE: 02/06/24    QUANTITY: 25
DATE: 04/24/24    QUANTITY: 25
DATE: 05/29/24    QUANTITY: 25

Lavender Orpington  chickens are a large chicken that is cold hearty and have full and fluffy plumage. They are a fair egg layer of medium to large size light brown eggs.

DATE: 02/13/24    QUANTITY: 25
DATE: 03/06/24    QUANTITY: 25
DATE: 03/27/24    QUANTITY: 25
DATE: 05/29/24    QUANTITY: 25


Light Brahma can do everything, from lay eggs to winning awards at a breed show. This is one of the largest breeds in the world and is an ideal chicken for newcomers as they’re easy to manage.

DATE: 02/13/24    QUANTITY: 25
DATE: 04/03/24    QUANTITY: 25
DATE: 04/17/24    QUANTITY: 25


Dark Brahma can do everything, from lay eggs to winning awards at a breed show. This is one of the largest breeds in the world and is an ideal chicken for newcomers as they’re easy to manage.

DATE: 02/21/24    QUANTITY: 25
DATE: 03/27/24    QUANTITY: 25

Blue Australorp

DATE: 02/13/24    QUANTITY: 25
DATE: 03/06/24    QUANTITY: 25

Wyand Bl Red Pullet

DATE: 03/20/24    QUANTITY: 25
DATE: 06/11/24    QUANTITY: 25

Black Australorp

Black Australorp Chickens are a great producer of large brown eggs and are known for their hardiness and persistence in laying. They can lay up to 250 eggs annually and will lay into winter.

DATE: 02/21/24    QUANTITY: 25
DATE: 05/15/24    QUANTITY: 50


Blue Andalusian chickens are extremely productivity. It is one of the best layers of eggs, an excellent winter egg producer.

DATE: 02/21/24    QUANTITY: 25


The Cuckoo Maran is a dual purpose bird and is known for its deep chocolate brown eggs though some eggs may have some speckled pigments. The brown egg color can vary in darkness as the hens go through their laying cycles.

DATE: 02/28/24    QUANTITY: 25


Black Sex Link: Sex Links will come in a large variety and are not a pure-bred chicken. They are very good laying hens and can lay as many as 300 eggs a year.

DATE: 02/13/24    QUANTITY: 25
DATE: 03/27/24    QUANTITY: 25


Golden Sex Link: Sex Links will come in a large variety and are not a pure-bred chicken. They are very good laying hens and can lay as many as 300 eggs a year.

DATE: 02/21/24    QUANTITY: 25
DATE: 05/15/24    QUANTITY: 25


Red Sex Link: Sex Links will come in a large variety and are not a pure-bred chicken. They are very good laying hens and can lay as many as 300 eggs a year.

DATE: 03/06/24    QUANTITY: 25
DATE: 04/10/24    QUANTITY: 25
DATE: 06/04/24    QUANTITY: 25


Golden Laced Wyandotte Chicken is a great pet chicken. They are a wonderful addition to any backyard coop. They typically produce 180-260 good sized brown eggs a year.

DATE: 03/06/24    QUANTITY: 25
DATE: 04/24/24    QUANTITY: 25
DATE: 06/04/24    QUANTITY: 25


The Silver Laced Wyandotte looks deceptively large, though that’s mostly caused by the feathers. They are great egg layers and considered very friendly and easy to care for, making them good for beginners.

DATE: 02/21/24    QUANTITY: 25
DATE: 04/17/24    QUANTITY: 25
DATE: 06/04/24    QUANTITY: 25

Blue Laced Red Wyandotte


Speckled Sussex

DATE: 03/06/24    QUANTITY: 25
DATE: 05/08/24    QUANTITY: 25


The White Pekin duck has a fast growth rate making it an excellent choice for meat. They are entertaining and very active with a good hatching ability.

DATE: 03/27/24    QUANTITY: 20
DATE: 04/10/24    QUANTITY: 20
DATE: 04/24/24    QUANTITY: 20


Khaki Campbells are good layers and foragers. If you want a general purpose duck for your farm or back yard, the Khaki Campbell is a great choice!

DATE: 04/10/24    QUANTITY: 20


Indian Runners Fawn & White are smaller ducks (averaging 3-4 pounds), good foragers, great layers, and are a very interesting addition to any farmstead.

DATE: 03/27/24    QUANTITY: 20


The Broad Breasted Bronze Turkey is an excellent choice if you want to raise a turkey for meat. Due to years of being bred specifically for meat quality, these birds grow quickly.

DATE: 04/02/24    QUANTITY: 25
DATE: 04/16/24    QUANTITY: 20
DATE: 04/30/24    QUANTITY: 20
DATE: 05/07/24    QUANTITY: 20


The Broad Breasted White Turkey is an excellent choice if you want to raise a turkey for meat. Due to years of being bred specifically for meat quality, these birds grow quickly.

DATE: 04/02/24    QUANTITY: 25
DATE: 04/16/24    QUANTITY: 20
DATE: 04/30/24    QUANTITY: 20


Ducks – Hatchery Choice

DATE: 04/24/24    QUANTITY: 20